On this week’s episode of Take Point on Retirement, Erick discusses the role your health plays in your overall retirement picture. Remember – your personal health is one of your greatest assets!
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Welcome to Take Point on Retirement with your host, Erick Arnett. Erick is a fiduciary and licensed financial advisor who always places your needs first. The experienced team at Take Point Wealth Management takes pride in knowing they've helped so many pursue the financial future of their dreams. And they can help you, too. And now let's start the show. Here's Erick Arnett.
Erick Arnett:
So, hey, everybody, welcome again to Take Point on Retirement radio. This is Erick Arnett, your host. So glad you were with us today and got a really cool show today. I know that, you know, we sometimes probably bore you guys always talking about finances and wealth management. And when do I take distributions and, you know, when do I take Social security? Yada, yada, yada. So we're going to talk about something super, super important as you're working towards your retirement. If you're in retirement and that's your and that's your health. So, so glad you're here with us today. Welcome to the show. Shout out to Punta Gorda, Sarasota, Saint Pete, Tampa and of course, our nature coast, The Villages. Thank you so much for listening and making us the number one financial planning show in the Nature Coast area. Also, if you missed this show today, you can always catch us on our podcast. You can go to any podcast channel, Spotify, Apple, iTunes, whatever you use to catch podcasts. Just type in, Take Point on Retirement. We're right there. If you want to go to our website, Take Point on Retirement radio, you can go there and get all our podcasts and past shows. If you if you if you're digging this show today and you're liking it and all of a sudden you get distracted, you gotta jump up. Just come back and check us up, check us out on the YouTube channel. You can just type in, Take Point on Retirement. We'll be there for you. So with all that being said, I've got a great show today. Hey, Sam, how are you doing today?
I'm doing great, Erick. We had a fantastic show last week. We talked a lot about the importance of estate planning and making sure that you have everything legally in order and how you can have the perfect plan for your retirement. But if you don't have that proper estate plan, it could be all for nothing. And we had a great response. Lots of retirement warriors listening to the show and getting in touch with us so that they can get that plan in place. So really love hearing that. There's a lot of folks out there listening, not wasting any time. And if you still want to book your appointment and get in touch with Erick, just visit TakePointWealth.com but happy to be here Erick and happy to have a guest next to you there today.
Erick Arnett:
Yeah it was super excited to have Tom Cromer here. He is the owner and operator of Epic Fitness here in Spring Hill. Great new gym. A gym that I belong to, my wife belongs to. We joined, I don't know, maybe a year and a half, two years ago. I forget when, but just seeing some amazing growth there. Super exciting to see what they're doing there at Epic. And you know, people are probably wondering right now is like, well, why do you got a gym owner on your financial planning show? Well, bottom line, folks, as you know this as well as I do, when you're planning for retirement, you can save all the money in the world. You can get everything right. But if you don't have your health, what is what is retirement going to be like? You know what? Your health is the most important. So we talk about being spiritually sound. We talk about being physically sound and then financially sound. And that's that's, I think, the keys to success and happiness that's going to get you to and through retirement. And so when we sit down with folks that Take Point on Retirement, we ask them the first thing we ask them when we're doing their retirement planning is what does retirement look like to you? You know, and picture yourself in retirement. What are you doing? Are you hunting? Are you fishing? Are you traveling? Are you in the garden? Are you playing with the grandkids? You know, but in order to be able to do that and really enjoy all your hard work that you've, you know, that you've done throughout your lifetime, you got to this point, you know, if you don't have your health, then what good is it? You know, I have to bring in just a quick kind of personal example of this.
Erick Arnett:
I mean, my dad is a great a great example, and he worked his butt off his whole life. We kept on trying to get him to retire Dad, retire, retire. My dad did not take care of himself. My dad was the typical Midwest guy. Meat and potatoes. Loved his beer. You know, he's like, I couldn't get him to drink a glass of water. Water. It tastes like crap. You know, he's one of those old, old school kind of guys. Right? And and, you know, so he finally gets to retirement and, you know, saved his whole life, and he was all excited. Okay, I'm done. The last day of work and boom, like a couple of weeks later, he gets diagnosed with cancer. So he worked his whole life. And then now for for five years, he's in and out of cancer treatments, has no quality of life. His health is is gone. And my dad passed and he's not here. He didn't get to enjoy his retirement.
Erick Arnett:
So, you know, I know I'm not I'm preaching to the choir out there. I know a lot of you out there listening and saying, you know, hey, Erick, I take care of myself. I do the right things. But there's also a lot of us out there that need some help. And so that's why I'm excited to have Tom on today. And so I just want to open it up to Tom. And, you know, we're going to talk about health today and how it impact. Hacks, everybody. But first, I want to kind of hear the story about Epic. I want to hear your story. I want to hear like, you know, how do you tie this in? And prior to the show, we were talking and we you know, we probably should have been taping then. But but I mean, you do a lot you have a lot of seniors in your gym. You do a lot for them. And and this is you know, this is this show is for them. So I just wanted you to kind of, you know, talk about, you know, how you some of the programs that you have. There's some great programs. And just tell us a little bit about Epic, the mission, your locations, you know, kind of what you guys are doing, programs that you have for seniors. And I'm just going to leave it open to you.
Tom Cromer:
So it's funny that you segwayed into the financial side of it, going into it, because I remember reading the Dave Ramsey book about financial fitness and how he compared a lot of building your financial spectrum and comparing it to a workout program. You know, so it's, it's, it's how they go hand in hand in a lot of different ways is pretty pretty cool. So with with you know going into retirement I think it's it's it's huge to be able to enjoy I mean like you said you work your whole life and then to get there and to not be able to enjoy it due to whatever possible health concerns that come up or, you know, I mean, in this country with diabetes and, you know, just just different problems that you may have incurred over the years. Back pain, neck pain, knee pains, you know, things like that to where, you know, strengthening just the muscles in general, you know, goes a long way along with keeping the fat off the body. So, you know, keeping keeping your weight down. Um, you know, we do have I guess we talk about, you know, epic in general. So we started here local in Spring Hill in 2018 with our first location on Spring Hill Drive. Um, Ryan Unger is actually the original owner. So I'm, you know, I came in afterwards. Him and his wife started that that business in 2018 and then it's grown to four locations right now.
Tom Cromer:
We should be at eight by the end of this year. So it's it's definitely, definitely growing. You know, the two of them, they had a vision and just really did an excellent job executing that. Um, you know, I was telling me the other day, I think it's pretty awesome too, that, you know, when they started it, it was just him and his wife. And now there's 76 employees between the four locations. So, you know, and to be able to give back to the community and more than just for its members, but for, you know, providing employment for all these people, too. So, you know, I think it's really, really cool. And even even for us, you know, my wife and I own the Weeki Wachee location. And we started we had three employees and now we have 15. So, you know, it's pretty cool. Um, so anyways, with, with the seniors in the, in the fitness, we do have a lot that we offer, um, for, you know, anyone really. I mean our oldest member is 97 or youngest 11 So I tell everybody we have everything in between. Sure we do. You know, some bodybuilding, you know, we get a bad rap. We're Bodybuilders gym, which, you know, I mean, as a competitive bodybuilder myself, I'm a pro men's physique bodybuilder. Um, and we do do a lot of competition prep. So we're the only gym in the Tampa area that does full competition prep.
Tom Cromer:
So from nutrition to training to posing, um, you know, we kind of, kind of do it all. But I tell people all the time that that bodybuilding is like the tip of the pyramid. If you look at the gym in general for what you're wanting to get out of the gym as a pyramid. So bodybuilding would be at the very top, you know, peak peak with what you do to your body to kind of get yourself that lean and that ready to go for a show. But composition changing is what people come to the gym for. They want to put on more muscle and lose fat. You know, everybody wants to look better. Um, so, you know, you just got to find your piece of the pyramid that you fit in and that's, that's what we can get you to. So as far as the seniors go, we do offer Silversneakers, which is a program for, you know, people that are retired. Um, you know, it really depends on your insurance company which, which variation they do. But I know like optimum Humana, um, it's like 2 or 3 other ones that, that, that, that we accept. We don't really work with the insurance company. There's another company that's in between called tivity health or healthy weight. So if on your insurance it says that that, that you do that then we accept that we do offer a upgrade um, to what would be like our maximum membership.
Tom Cromer:
So for 1499 a month, in addition to that, they would get unlimited access to all of our classes, boot camps, body composition, um, you know, and then, and then actually all, all locations you could go to as well too. So like for, for our location we have senior fitness which is exploded. Um, you know, we started it, we had 2 or 3 people. Now we have four classes a day, three times a week. So it's really exploded. And there's, there's a quality or a good, good quality number of people in there for, for each, each, each class. And I love the success stories that I'll hear. So people, people, people will come in. Like, for example, I had I had one lady that like her exercise was one time a week on her walker um, to walk around. We have I guess I should point that out to the Weeki Wachee location, the only gym in the Tampa area that has a full indoor walking track too. So 20 times around is a mile. We have a little clickers. We hand out to people so that they want to get their steps in and you can do it. No rain, no heat, you know, air conditioned, padded, padded track. So it's no excuses. Exactly. Exactly. So but but anyways, I had this lady that she come in and she was on a walker and she can make it twice around and it would take her like 30 minutes to do so.
Tom Cromer:
And then she started coming to these, these senior classes, you know, just kind of kept kept chugging along and chugging along. And and then she graduated from the walker to a cane. And now she's she's walking around full fledged I mean, she's coming every day. That we have the classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She's there at all? All all of her. Sometimes she does two a days and you know, her her doctor, along with a lot of other members, tell me their doctor's like, what are you guys doing? Like, you got to keep keep, you know, keep keep going. So it's it's it's to me I'm impressed. And just the fact that they come in, you know, and they they made that first step to come in the door from day one. Um, you know, it blows my mind how many people I hear say. I had to get in shape to go to the gym, you know, And and it's it's a big misconception that a lot of people have that they just feel intimidated to go to go to a gym. And and the reality of it is, is most people that are in really good shape are the exact opposite of what you would think they want to help so bad because they they know what it feels like to be on this side.
Tom Cromer:
And we want to help you get there. And it's not about judging and it's not about, you know, teasing or anything else. It's like, let me help you to feel as good as I do, you know, kind of thing, you know? And I've seen more so with all the clients that I've had and even just members that kind of come in and pick their brain on some things that you come to the gym to physically feel better. But then something transitions over time as you start transforming your body to where now it's the psychological effect that keeps you coming back. And it's almost like an addiction that you love, how you look, and then it just drives a whole newfound confidence in you, in everything you do in life. And it's kind of like the old saying, raise the bar, you know? So, you know, let's let's say, you know, you're squatting X amount of weight before and you finally hit that. Are you going to keep doing it or are you going to go to the next level? And you do that the same thing you do in life. And it's definitely made me more hungry in life to to be more aggressive and and a lot of things that, that I do, um, from, from all avenues and so many of my members and, and clients feel the same way so and it's.
Erick Arnett:
Obviously a problem in our country too. I mean you, you look around like everybody's overweight, you know, just go to the airport and get on the airplanes and stuff, you know, and folks like if you want to enjoy retirement, you want to travel. You know, you want to, you know, run around with the grandkids. You want to get out there and garden. You've got to you got to take this seriously. And it's not it's not that it's difficult. It's it's just taking that first step. It's like I tell folks on the show all the time, you know, we're here for you. We're going to put all the time and effort into it. We just need you to reach out and take that first step and give us a call. And then we're going to do all the work for you. And it's a little bit of time you got to put in to help us put everything together for you. But it's really just taking that first step and understanding how important your health is. And, you know, obviously, like you look around, I mean, you know, we could go down this whole wormhole with nutrition and how people are eating and the food and how bad the food is and all this kind of stuff. But, you know, I can just speak from my own personal, um, you know, point of view. Like when I joined Epic. I mean, things changed for me. I have the I have the wonderful blessing of being married to a fitness freak and a personal trainer.
Erick Arnett:
Myself and my wife, Ericka, like, she studies nutrition. She's always got books. I mean, and she's always telling me, Oh, I can't do that. I can't take that all that and, and and I'll, I'll pout a little bit and you know, and wine and she's like, you know, I just want you to be here. I want I want you to be with me for as long as possible. I love you so much. And and so when I started looking at like that, I'm like, then I started thinking about, well, I'm 52 years old and my kids are older. They're getting ready to have grandkids, Like, um, and honestly, before I met Ericka, I mean, I didn't take care of myself at all. I knew about I was an athlete. I knew about taking care of yourself. But I was, you know, I got into that rut where he just grinding at work. I was single, divorced guy. I was out there just, you know, drinking. I was eating pizzas. You know, I'd work till, like six, seven, 8:00 at the office. And I'm like, Oh, my God, I'm hungry. So I'd grab some bad stuff. And then and all of a sudden, like I noticed, I look at myself in the mirror and I was like, Holy cow, who is that guy? Right? It happens quick. That's the that's the unfortunate thing is like, you get out of shape quick.
Erick Arnett:
But, you know, but, but getting back into shapes a little bit more of a battle. And it's almost like the markets, like the stock market. I tell people all the time, if you're if you don't have your portfolio set up right and it's not actively being managed and you don't have risk control measures in place when the market crashes, if your portfolio, you know, it goes down like a like an elevator. I mean, it goes down quick. But to get back out, it's like a stare, right? You gotta you got to grind and you gotta be patient. You got, you got to do all the right things and you got to get back in the game and, and, you know, it takes a lot of time to get that back. So, you know, I myself, and I'm sure a lot of our listeners out there might be touching a chord. You know, I was way, way behind the eight ball. I let myself go and I felt horrible, man. Like I you know, everybody knows that listening to the show, I was on active duty military for eight years, did a lot of deployments and stuff. My body was beat up and I used that as an excuse, right? Because I'm like, oh, I'm all beat up. I'm in pain, you know, So I can't do anything. And and and so I would, you know, basically like it was hard for me to even get out of bed sometimes.
Erick Arnett:
And so I know like people are out there listening right now have that same same situation. And and so I'm excited, encouraged. Like I want to have you on the show as often as you like, but we need to talk about this stuff because it's it's so important. It's so, so important. And and what I noticed was like just changing a little bit of my diet and. And then you know moving. Do you don't folks you don't have to be like Tom here, you know. You know, he's like Mister Arnold Schwarzenegger. I mean, he's like he's like a walking billboard for for fitness and and, you know, so and he it's his job. It's his profession, like. But you don't you don't have to go in there and bang plates and get, you know, and do all that kind of stuff. You just got to get moving. You got to do the right things. You got to get with a professional team like Epic, they have a staff waiting to help you out. And and so, you know, just moving, getting out there, just making little tiny strides. And like you might think like I remember looking at myself in the mirror and getting on the scale, I'm like, there's just no way. Like, I just give up, man. There's no way. There's no way I can reverse that.
Tom Cromer:
It's really easy to do, you know? And I think all of us have that that time in our lives to where we were happy with where we were at one point. And then somewhere along the lines you get you get happy with life. I mean, the same thing happened happened to me, You know, I got I got married and my my wife is Italian. She's a great cook. And, you know, I just I was eating and and honestly, I was I was really happy, Um, but I wasn't happy with how I looked. And and it was for me, it was my my kids were swimming in the pool and my wife was taking a picture of the kids and I was in the background kind of playing with the dog, sitting on the steps. I'm looking at this picture and I'm like, Oh my God, that's what I look like. And yeah, and that was for me, that was my aha moment where I was like, I got to do something. And it's funny because it was before the epics were were around and the only gym in the area was Planet Fitness. But even for me, I was like, I can't go back to the gym looking like this. So I had to do something to even go back to the gym. And I tell people think it's crazy that they do that, but but I did the same thing. I just was not I just did not feel good about myself going to the gym with the way I looked.
Tom Cromer:
And, you know, I'm six foot four. I'm £245 right now. It's at seven. I just scan this morning at 7.2% body fat. So I'm in I'm in a good spot right now. But back then I was at six four. I was like 285, probably 40% body fat, you know. So and if I showed you some, you know, the, the before and after pics, you know, from my first, my first initial round and I and I did it in probably 14 months to go from 285 to I think my first competition I did I was like two, 218 or 212 that I cut all the way down. You know, my dad retired. He was an ex, the big, you know, big time D1 college football player. He actually, when he tore his ACL his senior year of college, he still he still got invited by the Dallas Cowboys to come out and and play with them and he made it final cuts and they ended up tearing his ACL again. And that was back in the 70s. And they really know what they were doing. And he ended up getting a job at UPS and worked 37 years as a package driver on a torn ACL, caused him to have like four herniated disc in his back and just all jacked up. And then when he retired, he finally got his knee replaced. And it's kind of changed, you know, some things with him to where he feels a lot better. But he fell into the whole doesn't doesn't really do anything anymore.
Tom Cromer:
And you know he watches this Fox News and drinks his beer and thinks it's retirement time. And and now his body's like, hey, what's going on? You know? You know, he's put on a ton of weight and he's just not physically doing anything. And and a lot of times people, um, you know, when they when they get older, the body, the body stops producing things naturally. And, you know, and I'm not, I'm not saying I'm an advocate for a lot of things, but there's studies now that are coming out with health and these hormone doctors are getting a lot better at really breaking people down specifically to where you look at a broad spectrum. So let's say let's say BMI, for example. You know, BMI is just a broad. This is your height, this is your weight, this is your age. This is where you are. So when I go on and get on a BMI scale, I'm morbidly obese. But it doesn't take into account that my excess weight is muscle. It's not fat. So kind of like your old Fico score versus the new vantage score that's coming out now. I look at it to where these body comp analyzers now are taking that into account and they're issuing you a new score based on, you know, your your skeletal muscle mass. So it's pretty cool. That's changing. And and these doctors now are taking that more specifically for like, for example, and men when they get over 40 where your testosterone level changes and where your your general doctor, your regular MD that you go to, they'll have the scale and they test you and they're like, oh, no, you're you're fine.
Tom Cromer:
Well, maybe for the average person, this is where you're in range. But for you specifically as an athlete and you know, somebody who is physically very active in your job, that you probably at that point in time because you weren't tested, were operating up here. And that's why you don't feel like you want to get off the couch or go do anything. So there's, you know, from testosterone treatment therapies for both men and women, there's new peptides that are coming out now that are really, really showing. As a results in weight loss to where they literally target fat cells and will eliminate them. So if you're eating clean, it's just an easier not necessarily easy. There's no easy route to doing anything. But but the studies coming out on some of these things are no adverse side effects, but really good, you know, positive attributions to what's happening. And then obviously you got to eat right and then do some exercise. And it doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and lift like you're a bodybuilder or a power lifter. It's just mini muscle activation. At any age you can build muscle and the more muscle you have, the more metabolic you are, therefore the more fat you're burning and you're just going to naturally feel better. So.
Erick Arnett:
Yeah, I can speak from experience. Like, you know, like I was saying earlier, this was probably 3 or 4 years ago. I was having a lot of complications with a lot of my injuries that I, you know, got through the military and just, you know, I played football. I played baseball. You know, I beat myself up. Then I ran around, jumped out of planes. Helicopters was all over the world. And like, you know, and I was like, you know, so then you get to this point where you kind of beat up and it starts. But what was interesting to me is I thought I was doomed. Like, I thought this is just what I had to live with, you know, was the pain and the inflammation and stuff. I had no idea until I met my wife who actually studies this stuff and takes it seriously, that everything I put in my mouth could potentially have been causing inflammation and pain. And once you get that right, right. That's the for me, that was like the first step was like just putting, you know, changing the things that I was putting in my mouth that was causing inflammation and pain. And I started feeling like a little bit different. I'm like, wow, okay, this is okay. Maybe, you know, because I'm pretty stubborn. I'm, you know, you know, my wife would tell me like, you know, certain things like, you know, whatever, you know, I don't want to do that. And then she would try and try and try. And I'm very stubborn. And she finds she really just kind of finally gave up on me. She's, you know, because it was causing a situation and it was just me being stubborn. But when I started to feel I was like, wait a second, I felt a little bit better.
Erick Arnett:
And then I felt a little bit better. And then and then I was encouraged to go to physical therapy. And I started working out and stretching and and all of a sudden I was like, getting up in the morning, I was jumping out of bed and I'm like, wait a second, Where's that pain? Where's that pain at? You know? It was started slowly going away. And so, you know, everything was advanced for me because, you know, I beat up my body. So I was aging a little bit. But I know that the folks out there listening, if you're like 55, 60, 65, 70, you're thinking, yeah, you know, my body's I'm just old, right? My body is beat up. I can't do these things. I'm here to tell you that's not the case. And like you said earlier, just alone in your gym, you have people of all ages. And I know, like, I've been in there and I've seen, you know, there's just there's older folks in there and they're getting after it. And it's it's awesome, man. Like people in their 60s and 70s like look amazing and think to myself and that's what, you know, it's almost like, well, I can't do that. You know, I'm beat up. I'm whatever excuse you could use, you know. And then I see these older people on there and I'm like, Oh, crap, if they can do it, I can do it right. And so if what is, you know, like if someone out there is listening and they're like encouraged about what we're saying and they just want to take that first step and like give you a call and like start into a program. Like, what can they expect when they when they come in to come in the door?
Tom Cromer:
The easiest thing to do, I always tell people, just come on in and check us out, Take a tour of the facility. We'll go over. Absolutely. Any questions you have? Um, you know, any, any concerns and then kind of just explain what we do. So to, to do this, to do this relatively quickly. So, um, we offer every single member in our gym a, an opportunity to sit down with, with a trainer and kind of go over your fitness goals, what you've tried in the past. We've done before what may or may not have worked. You know what, you're looking to get out of the gym and then we put you through a movement screen. We're going to go over your medical history. We get you on the body, which is a body comp analyzer, and then we build you a 30 day workout program with nutritional guidance. And it comes with the membership that's all included with when you sign up. Um, so you can you can check, check us out online at Epic fitness.com. You can sign up online. Our local phone number for my gym is (352) 616-0004. I'll have to plug the other phone numbers on because I don't have them on the on the tip of my tongue. But but you know, and I just did want to say one thing to what you were saying earlier, that a lot of people think that these pains are just, you know, getting older, you know, and it's just, hey, I'm getting older. But really what happens a lot of times is you you become allergic to certain foods you've been eating your whole life and have no idea.
Tom Cromer:
So my my wife also is a competitive bodybuilder. And our last go around with the show, we kind of put ourselves in a predicament. So like four weeks I had to go really, really hard and we ate nothing but egg whites for four weeks straight every meal of the day. And and for me, I mean, I, I lost everything I needed to. And, I mean, I just got peeled back and shredded as best as I could. And she lost, like, £4 and just didn't really anything and turned to find out. So we just talked to her doctor about it. He ordered a food allergy test. She's allergic to eggs and egg whites, and her body was fighting against her the whole time. And she was inflamed, joints, hurt, everything else. So a lot of times you think you're getting old. So I always recommend everybody to when you come in and we build you a nutrition plan is to go get a food allergy test done there. You know, most insurance covers it or it might be a small out-of-pocket fee for it, but you need to know what your body is, is allergic to, and you might not have no idea. So her whole life she thought she had IBS and she thought she was lactose intolerant, which turned out no, it was other things that were causing her problems. And, you know, once she got a handle on that, it's I mean, just sky's the limit for her now.
Erick Arnett:
So and that's exactly what I'm talking about. I mean, what I learned with Erika was like, it's it's really what you're putting in your mouth. And then if you can come in and talk to the epic team and get that just change, like that's the first step and then slowly start moving slowly start, you know, getting into their workout programs. And I'm telling you folks, you're going to be so happy. It's going to change your lives. And then we can focus on the retirement planning stuff. Right. I really appreciate you being here today, Tom. Thank you so much. I want to have you back on the show, folks. You know, what we're getting at is, you know, take that first step. You know, call epic health and fitness. It's at epic health and fitness.com. You know, when I lost the weight, actually, Erika, with the help of Erika I took off like £60. So I'm not a specimen like like like, like my buddy Tom over here. But I'm. How long you like. It was the most amazing feeling. Like my pants were falling off. I feel better. I move, I'm not in pain. I'm more motivated at work. I'm happier on and on and on, folks. So just take that first step because that's really the first key to a healthy retirement. So thanks for listening.
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Investment Advisory Services offered through Brookstone Capital Management, LLC, BCM A registered investment advisor. Bcm and take point Wealth management are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCM, but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Past performance cannot be used as an indicator to determine future results.
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